Introit (I Peter 2 : 2) As newborn babes, alleluia, desire ye the rational milk without guile, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
April 19, 2020Introit (Psalm 138 : 18, 5, 6) I arose, and am still with Thee, alleluia; Thou hast laid Thy hand upon Me, alleluia; Thy knowledge is become wonderfu
April 12, 2020Lectio Prima: Osee, 6. 1-6. Thus saith the Lord: In their affliction they will rise early to Me: Come, and let us return to the Lord, for He hath tak
April 10, 2020Introit (Galatians 6 : 14) But it behooves us to glory in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ: in whom is our salvation, life, and resurrection; by wh
April 10, 2020Antiphon (Matthew 21 : 9) Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He that cometh in the Name of the Lord. O King of Israel: Hosanna in the highest!
April 5, 2020Introit (Psalm 42 : 1, 2) Judge me, O God, and distinguish my cause from the nation that is not holy: deliver me from the unjust and deceitful man: f
March 28, 2020