Holy Mass to be offered on an altered schedule and location

Holy Mass to be offered on an altered schedule and location

Pax et Bonum Dear Good People,

Holy Mass will be offered on an altered schedule and location: 111 Pelican St. Lafayette, LA

The open-air Mass will be laid out to have paint on the grass where you may place your lawn chairs. Clearance will be made between rows of 10 feet and aisles will be 8 feet. As in the last weeks, no communion and a short sermon are expected. You will be guided to your seating area before the altar. If you choose you may stay in your vehicle, the ground should be firm enough to support it without the danger of getting stuck. You will be able to follow the Mass with your phones using a conferencing phone call. Your family will need enough phones to see that your household may hear if you are at a distance.

Your compliance will permit us to see one another without drawing near, attend Holy Mass and make a spiritual communion. The open-air and distancing assures us that we will not be in danger of contaminations. Bringing your chairs suitable to the grass area assures you of not touching where others have been. The sunshine assures us that we are safer. If the group is larger than the limited number we are not in an enclosed place but open spaces. Please do not mix, but bow or wave to one another. Return to your cars after the service.

If you cannot join us watch or listen to us here:

These numbers will permit you to follow on your phones, in your car or at home.  Mass will be at 7:30 and 9:30 AM. Please join us.

To follow the Mass call (872) 240-3311  then use the access code: 496-731-701#

Join us! at 9:30 AM you may see a live streaming of the Mass on Christ the King Lafayette‘s Facebook page.

In such times the need to pray and beseech God’s clemency is elevated.

Remember, O Lord, Thy testament, and say to the avenging angel: Let Thy hand be stayed, that the earth be not made desolate. Let Thine anger now rest from Thy people and from Thy Holy City, that the earth be not made desolate. (2 Kings 24:16)

Those words taken from the Mass against Plagues remind us to return to our Father who loves and waits for us. Pope St. Gregory called the faithful to prayer during the plague to call down God’s mercy. Let us pray together once more. God grant us that opportunity.

Please be sure to subscribe to Christ the King website, read the bulletin and download it online at ctkinglafayette.com

In addition, please make a donation to help support Father as his travels are limited to to the Coronavirus issue. This is vital as Father brings the Sacraments to us all, which are so much needed now. God Bless!

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